— Welcome, I'm Marcelo

About me

I am an educator, life coach, and Motivator.

I'm a relationship counselor who enjoys helping people get to their core, wherefrom they can resolve relationship issues with their beloveds, family, friends, or their own selves.

I come from a long line of successful therapist beginning with my paternal grandfather Gregorio Bermann, who learned German to interview Freud in his own tongue, and later went on to create the Latin American Psychiatric Association and to preside over it for a number of years, also founding the Bermann Clinic, which was alternatively ran by both his son (my Dad) Claudio Bermann, also a Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst and University Psych professor, like his sister (my aunt) Sylvia Bermann. I myself first experience Psychology at the tender age of four with Dr. Guiar ( a very apt name) because my Mom a Pediatrician divorced from Dad was keenly aware of Pedagogy (children’s Psychology) and wanted to insure I had a proper parental figure since my Dad was not in the picture. (Another family member also founded the “Dra. Lydia F. de Coriat” shool in Argentina for children with special needs in education in my native Argentina, where I lived until I was twelve years old)


Once in the States (Mom was granted a Research Associate grant by Harvard School of Public Health) which brought us to Boston in 1965, I also had some therapy as a teenager, exhibiting traits for an under-achiever with a an IQ score of 145. But it wasn’t until I was in my forties that, having married a therapist, astrologer and new ager, after intensive training with Judith Johnson, Carola Eastwood and I began co-facilitating “Body Electronics” sessions where trauma from past lives, alien abductions, and ancestral memory came up for healing, in one said session a famous, published author and therapist brought us her client and attended the session as we facilitated the client’s past life trauma healing that got her past the stuck place they couldn’t cross in their joint therapy sessions.

Marcelo Bermann

I am available for

supporting individuals and couples in learning vital skills for relating, especially in marriages and romantic partnerships.

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One-on-One Counseling

One-on-one counseling is something that I do over the phone. Ongoing one-on-one therapy and counseling is a common means of growth and healing for many people. Individual one-on-one therapy, often referred to as psychotherapy, involves meeting with a therapist individually in order to reduce internal suffering, which often causes problematic behavior. Since the Pandemic, there is a much greater acceptance of tools like Zoom that allow us to interact with others online from the comfort of our computer!

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Stage Shows and Talks

Stage shows and talks I am also available to do talk to groups of people when it is organized by the interest party. I can do presentations on relationship dynamics and invite the public to interact. Stage shows help people to think outside of the box and understand how to appraise a situation. They become more self-confident as a result of participating in such shows. In fact, performing arts have been regarded as one of the best methods of improving one’s self-confidence and self-esteem over time.